the more lawyers - the more liars - the more lies
WTS you have to many cadavers beyond your carpet of time.
your lawyers will not be able to set you free from your guilt
in amazing's exit series, he mentions one lawyer who works.
exclusively for the watchtower society.
i posted a link to.
the more lawyers - the more liars - the more lies
WTS you have to many cadavers beyond your carpet of time.
your lawyers will not be able to set you free from your guilt
as already stated here, participant on german board collected snailmail adresses of elders and kingdom halls and informed them about the watchtower's uno relationship.
this happened just before the kms.
now the wts has written a letter to all bodies of elders in germany:.
il est tout vrais merde!!!!!!
Ils sont malade dans leur tetes, malade dans leur coeurs.
it is all real shit
they are sick in their heads, sick in their hearts
das ist alles echte scheisse
sie sind krank im Kopf, krank im Herz
but lies have short legs and the WTS once was a stork, now its a duck, the legs got shorter. I guess when they do it on they will change to be a serpent or a simple worm.
we have a thread that asks why we became jw's, so i became curious as to why some of us have left.
what was the last straw for you?.
mine was the treatment of my wife.
Zev, try to find out more of the 1933 declaration which was publsihed in the 1934 yearbook.
they crept hitler into the ass, condemned the jews and went parallel with the vision of the German Reich.
When you read it, you think you cant eat as much as much you are gonna to spit.
The crown is that they made responsible for this thing the German branch office leader Balzereit, who was condemned , excommunicated by Rutherford personally.In the publications you find mentined that Balzereit would have modified the original texts from Rutherford, so he was spoekn guilty.
After WW 2 Balzereit came back to Magdeburg branch office but was fired out and again condemned by KNorr.
In a 1998 Awake about the holocaust, Balzereit is declared not guilty to this declaration. AT a time he was dead for more than 30 years, always condemned by JWs.
Those Brooklyn Bastards have a lot on their conscience. They will get a long bill they have to pay.
I guess you can find things about the situation in the 1974 yearbook (Germany) and on Kents observer page.
If not, mail me, I have here copies of the original things.
I am fed up with this kind of historyshaping policy of those who mean they are gods channel, yet only a channel of lies, shit and human shunning policy. Their judgement by god will be great
after listening/reading to, um, ehhh...ciro's blah blah blah.....something clicked in my head.. i'll be upfront and admit that these questions may be "reaching" for something.
but, considering a possibility, had the wtbts intentionally joined the u.n. as an ngo, to provoke a anti-jw stance from the u.n.?.
consider the questions that are floating in my skull.
hi folks
in our congregation they had an announcement about the ngo thing.
it was said like followed:
There goes the story that WTS is member of the UN. This is real in fact not true. Who ever has questions about may consider the elders.
That was all. nobody knew anything no elder was questioned.
WTS is going to sweep it under the curtain.
Yet I guess that the "apostates" are motivated now to make the whole thing more public.
I recommend such an action also for the USA.
dont hide your knowledge, make it available and let raise doubt to the ivory towers where is no fear to lie and to twist the real facts.
may god bless the righteous ones
(please reply to this message with your own signature and added thoughts.
then, we will make sure that this reaches ray.).
dear ray,.
ummmmmmmm it really does make you worry for the sanity of these people.. the watchtower january 15, 2000 you can know the future!
p18 para 17, the question is: how did certain brothers in el salvodor use ingenuity to preach to a man who at first did not want to hear the kingdom message?.
my dear, I heard, that in the meantime the dog got baptized and is on his way to be a ministerial servant. the elders of the perrro congregation ordered him to pay attention to the door. when brothers enter he is busy with his tail, when interested persons come, he say a frienly "wuff", exactly like it is demanded.
I am quite sure gthat he makes his way to be an elder and later he may be even the presiding obverseer.
You need not being a cultivated man to be a witness - its enough when you are a mad dog with a long tail. this is neede for when they decide to disfellowship you. they seize you at the tail and throw you out of the kingdoghall
my dear, seldom so laughed. I imagine the dco ( dog circuit overseer), the ddo (dog district overseer) and the dog ethel, where the dogs prepare their bone meals.
funny watchtower, with spit on the christian teachings and the disobedience to the example the Lord Jesus gave.
poor and narrow minded in case of preaching - like false and betraying in case of NGO. real a wicked slave that tortures his brothers.
a friend from back home wrote me a letter.
they just had the co visit.
she asked him about the un thing.
the subscriptions were ended e.g. in Luxemburg and Germany a longer couple of years already. nothing changed, no more studies.
But the costs of distribution now are on the shoulders of the publishers. and they dont ask for costs. they do it like CYBORGs.
it is hard to see that un-motivated publishers at times nobody has time bring mags nobody is interested in to people who are over-informed by an increasing communication society. So they handle mags for nothing which are nod read and dont lead to a study.
wasted time in a wasted system by wasted ideas of the borgs.
I would like to know how many mags are deliverd to Luxemburg and how many are reported. The difference is the gap of tolerance between logic and madness
i remember talking to an elder about judicial commitees whilst we were on a security shift (which lasted for twenty minutes each during the meetindgs, with other brothers coming out after your twenty minutes was up to take your place).
he was feeling open because he had just been on one that disfellowshipped a young woman whom he had watchde grow up in "the truth".. so we were chatting and i asked him "what if you make a mistake?
" and he said "oh, we don't make mistakes, god's holy spirit is directing us.".
what they do they do it with diligence
and they are like many human beings:
following the big duck
that is awking and leaving shells behind
where you must have attention not to enter.
remember the great question of the nazi germans
all were guilty because they all followed the great leader
into war, holocaust and ingnorance of human rights.
after the war nearly nobody felt guilty
and they took former swastika men into leading positions.
I only can say in regard to this with a form of a black joke:
My grandpa died in Auschwitz -
he fell drunken from the WT.
sorry, and forgive me that kind of utterance, but
elders are humans and those who have nothing to say at home
may have a great beak in the jc.
ive found the un affiliation threads very interesting, but ive also expressed the view that this issue will have virtually no effect on jw membership.
i have at least two reasons for believing this.. first, after reading w. j. schnells 1957 book, thirty years a watchtower slave, in which the author describes how the watchtower used negative publicity to increase membership, im now of the opinion that continued commentary on this matter may only serve to foster an even greater conviction on the part of rank and file jws that they are being persecuted, and they will increase their efforts to recruit members; this will offset what i think will be a miniscule number of defections by those who will feel betrayed because of the un affiliation.
the reason why i think there will be few defections is described below.. second, i believe that the watchtower can easily defend itself.
Hey Joe,
I think your arguments have weight.
But you forget within your calculation thgat people often want to be betrayed.
Think of the 1975 peak and its following up. Nothing much happend, some left the org and at last today even elders speak on the platform that 1975 was no thing from the Governing Body but from file and ranks.
Brainwashed people are made to believe erverything which is poured out on the platform.
You only can encourage those who open their mind to be like an Beroean: proving what is right. That includes also some kind of braveness which mostly is taken from JWs, as they learned to trust the GB and they dont want to hear doubts and figures and facts against their historical believing.
Even if RELIGION once was said to be founded by Nimrod and today they carry it for themselves like in Europe (e.g. Germany)
The ivory tower has much experiences in steering persons.
And those have forgotten that they have an own responsibility in their relation to god.
This situation is everything else than encouraging, it is frustrating, because the normal JW wants to find gods favor. At last he is guided like a bull at his nosering. but I learned that the trial begins at the house of god, like Peter (I guess) does say.
So we are good when we keep our minds open and when we dont be silent.
Thsi time is over. Wachtower goes to Egypt and that is what makes it falling like ancient Jerusalem.
You must cure the roots of a tree, not cutting off its brown leaves when it is sick.
Watchtower at the moment cures symptomes of their declining members - e.g. 15 minutes a month is a permanent publisher.
But they dont cure the mind of people which are living under lifes pressure and are empty to make hours by hours by hours, preaching a message that nobody wants to hear by magazines nobody reads via publishers with no motivation going from house to house at times no one has time. It is wasted time doing this therapy.
Better would be ministry on informal base.
But learn a GB-Team of nearly a 1000 years age progress. They are old, in winter of life and going the way of Adam. They know that 607 is wrong and they know the consequences.
What they not know is that without Jehovah they are nothing.
By the way, your articles are indeed good. I appreciate this forum and the motivation from most of the writers as I see there is much effort for progress in believe and relation to god.
the watchtower society dates noah's flood to 2370 b.c.e.
they do this by following bible chronology quite closely, counting backwards from 607 b.c.e., their date for babylon's destruction of jerusalem.
however, as we know, the society's date for that event is in error.
I guess to have read in the bible that the good news was preached to the end of the world in the days of the apostles.
That teaches us that you cant take this expression literally.
And so the record of Noah.
At his time there was the deluge in the region of his living. Today we know that the Black sea was a lake of sweet water before the Dardanells broke and water from the mediteranian sea came in and lifted the Black sea surface for 100 meters in minimum. They have found shells from sweet water musssels in the Black sea.
So what do we learn from it?
There was a deluge over the world of Noah. And it must have been a destruction of an ancient world.
but not everywhere as flood. We had earthquakes and giant sea waves.
The great salt lake in Utah stems from the water of the Pacific Ocean as it was also hit by an impact. So waves higher than 5000 meters crossed the rockies and devasted the land.
if the whole earth would have been flooded than it would be difficult to have sweetwater lakes like the Baikal in Siberia, which is the greates of his kind in the world.
In consequence I would say the reports of the bible are true - out of the sight of the writers.
But let us be open minded. Nobody has an absolute testimonial about the past.
And an absolute claim of what is true regarding those great things - it would be heretic.
I think that faith in god can include many things which might be impossible for those in the ivory towers.
Dont let us forget that there once RELIGION was declared as an evil thing ( the judge ) and today they make in RELIGION worldwide.
Be aware of things that happen. But use your own understanding and conscience. Ypou wear the responsibility - and not the GB.
Example: 1975. Everyone who did not believe this year was set under pressure. Today those who believed it are said to be independent thinkers.and I know people who haqvent taken care to pay for pension. Now they are elder than 70 and must work so they stilll can.
And those ivories make one on pilate: washing their hands feeling not guilty.
they must and will get their bill - equal like it happens.